A terrified teacher at Ghoul School - vol. 2 - sc - 2018

Artikelnummer: 9780316447232
Artikel 201 van 506
€ 14,99 (inclusief btw)

A terrified teacher at Ghoul School

Volume 2


Human teacher Haruaki Abe's nightmare continues as his class of unruly ghouls embarks on a trip back to the mainland for a special cooking lesson! But things get awkward when the kids mistake Ameaki, Haruaki's twin brother who doesn't want anything to do with supernatural creatures, for their sensei! Can the two siblings and the mischievous students all find a way to get along?!Paperback

First printing

Publisher: YEN PRESS

Genre: Comedy

Themes: School life, Supernatural

Age rating: 13+

Artist: Maì Tanaka

160 pagina's



Uitgifte: 2018


ISBN: 9780316447232


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